
Do I need a gym membership?

Tyler Wallace
Tyler Wallace on behalf of National Academy of Sports Medicine

To participate in a fitness program you do not need a gym membership although gyms typically provide a full service package of equipment, professional training, coaching, and people there to help support you in reaching your fitness goals.  You can also perform your fitness at a variety of other locations including local parks, at your home, or at a facility that does not require a membership. To get assistance in identifying what will work best for you contact an NASM or Sharecare Certified Trainer.

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine

It depends on what you need to get into shape. Working out at home is sufficient for many people. Others prefer to have access to a health club to help them get into a more motivating environment. Determine what will inspire and motivate you to workout. If you like direction but do not like crowds, try at-home fitness DVDs, or hire a personal fitness professional to meet you at your house or at a park. If you like being around a group of people with similar goals and like-minded determination to get fit, a workout facility might suit you best. Gyms often offer more variety in equipment, exercise classes, exercise tools, and guidance through fitness professionals. It might be a good idea to begin in a gym to become comfortable with exercise. Then, determine what you like the best and stick with it!

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Important: This content reflects information from various individuals and organizations and may offer alternative or opposing points of view. It should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider about your specific health needs.