Health TopicsMental health and behavior

Mental health and behavior

Find out everything you need to know about mental health, including awareness, services, treatments and more.


Recognizing ADHD symptoms in children
A great deal can be done to help kids meet the challenges of ADHD.


Coping with trauma and tragic events
Repetitive and graphic media coverage may come at a price. Learn why and how to find balance.


How the body responds to tragedy—and how to move forward
Tragic and unpredictable events can take a physical and mental health toll. Find ways to cope with u...


5 suicide risk factors you need to know about
Find out how to get help if you’re having suicidal thoughts.


Easing stress and anxiety at home
Michael Roizen, MD, Chief Wellness Officer of the Cleveland Clinic, uses deep breathing as a stress ...


Rebuilding our community, for our sake
What are some things that we can do to help build resilience in our communities?


Mental health in the news: It's ok to not be ok
Have we evolved when talking about mental health issues?


Learning to heal-- individually & collectively
What are some tools our country can use as we are dealing with fear and anxiety?


Learn about the first pill for postpartum depression
The drug called zuranolone has been shown to be safe and fast-acting, offering relief in as early as...


Patient Perspectives: Bipolar disorder
Four bipolar patients talk about when they knew it was time to seek help.