
Does working out in a sweat suit help me burn more calories?

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Many people workout in rubber or plastic suits with the intention of dropping pounds fast. You may actually lose weight, but the weight loss is due mostly to perspiration and will be replaced as soon as you drink a few glasses of water. Some professional athletes who have to meet certain weight restrictions, such as boxers, may use these types of suits to help them shed water weight quickly. But, the suits do not increase the number of calories burned; they simply just make you sweat a ton. Dropping water weight does not have anything to do with dropping the amount of actual fat on the body and, in fact, can be dangerous. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular risk increases when the relative humidity rises above 70%, and the humidity in those suits hover around 100%. Other risks associated with the use of these suits are dehydration and overheating. Losing weight depends on the amount of calories burned compared to the amount of calories consumed. A suit while temporarily reducing the weight showing on the scale will not help you burn more calories which is key to true weight loss.

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