
Is vaginal odor more noticeable or worse after sex?

Madeleine M. Castellanos, MD
Madeleine M. Castellanos, MD
There are many different odors that are associated with sex.  First, there is a natural smell in vaginal secretions that is more noticeable after sex because of the nature of sexual intercourse sometimes spreading these secretions to the labia outside the vagina. It doesn't actually change the vaginal odor.  If a man ejaculates, there will also be the odor from the semen. If he does not use a condom and ejaculated inside the vagina, the semen separates and does trickle out when she stands up or walks around. If he does use a condom, there may be the odor of latex. And finally, when a person gets very sexually aroused, there are special sweat glands around the genitals that secrete a more musty-smelling sweat. All of these odors (except the latex) are naturally occurring and part of the functions of the body. If there is an infection of the vagina causing a foul smell, this would also be more noticeable after sex. If you have any doubts, a gynecological exam can check for this.

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