
Does erectile dysfunction mean that I am infertile?

Dr. Michael Roizen, MD
Dr. Michael Roizen, MD
Internal Medicine
Not at all. Erectile dysfunction and infertility are very different terms. You may be producing perfectly good sperm, but having trouble with your erection. That’s erectile dysfunction (ED). On the other hand, you may have no trouble raising the rifle, but you’re shooting blanks. That’s infertility. Of course, if you have ED, you won’t be able to deliver your perfectly good semen inside the woman you love to get her pregnant. Fortunately, ED is eminently treatable. Talk to your doctor about lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking (if you are still lighting up), and eating a more heart-healthy diet, as well as medications to help treat ED. And while medications like Viagra can help you get hard and stay hard, keep in mind that your penis is like a dipstick for your health. If your erections are not working, that may be a signal that you have cardiovascular problems. If you want to live long enough to enjoy plenty of great sex, take care of your heart, too.

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