
What is the difference between no added sugar and sugar-free?

dLife - It's YOUR Diabetes Life!
dLife - It's YOUR Diabetes Life!
The term "no added sugar" means that the manufacturer has added no sugar to the product. But certain products labeled "no added sugar" contain a large amount of natural sugar (canned fruit is one example) and/or other carbohydrates. Many products labeled "no added sugar" contain artificial sweeteners. Manufacturers can use the term "sugar free" if the product has less than 0.5 grams sugar per serving. But keep in mind that as your servings of that product go up, so do the grams of sugar. For example, three servings of sugar free jelly will contain 1.5 grams of sugar. Perhaps most important, remember that a product may be low in sugar but still very high in other carbohydrates.

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