
How can I count my walking steps without a pedometer?

Jonathan Penney
Jonathan Penney on behalf of National Academy of Sports Medicine

You can count your walking steps a few ways without using a pedometer.  Your first way, count them out!  Tedious, yes, very!  However, the option is available.  A more realistic approach would be to estimate how far a tenth or a quarter of a mile is.  Count your steps for that length and then multiple by ten, if counting for a tenth of a mile, and you will have your distance for a mile.  If counting for a quarter of a mile then multiply that number by four and you will have your steps for a full mile.  In addition, the average person will require up to 2,000 steps for a full mile, that being said, you can estimate that each mile will requires 2,000 steps and you can figure out how many steps you complete by the amount of miles you walk.

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