Sounds simple but make it fun. Exercise does not have to be in a gym, on a treadmill or lifting weights. Exercise is simply activity that increases the heart rate for a period of time. That said walking the dog, playing catch with your kids, playing a sport, riding a bicycle are all forms of exercise which raise the heart rate.
Another way to reduce boredom is to take a group exercise class or join a gym with a friend. Social support and having a friend to share conversation with during the exercise will greatly reduce boredom and enhance participation.
If you don't enjoy exercise equipment, explore other possibilities: garden, clean your house, walk the dog, go canoeing, dance, play a game with family or friends or even walk in place or lift hand weights while watching television. Consider taking one of the many classes offered through gyms, recreation centers, studios and senior centers. They're as varied as Zumba, weightlifting, water aerobics, Pilates and yoga, to name just a few. Mix it up so you don't get bored.
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