
Why do I feel like I need to pee during sex?

Emily Nagoski
Emily Nagoski on behalf of Good In Bed

When you put pressure on the G-spot, particularly during intercourse, you may feel

like you need to pee. This has nothing to do with urine or pressure on the bladder (assuming your partner isn’t actually pushing on your bladder and that you don’t have an infection). It has to do with learning. When you were little and being potty trained, you learned to recognize the

sensation of needing to pee. You had to recognize it in order to get to a potty before it was too late. It was an important and useful lesson. Now your body is experiencing a new and different

sensation. It’s geographically and neurologically adjacent to the need-to-pee sensation, so your brain is misinterpreting it as pressure to pee because that’s the only existing category that this new sensation seems to fit. But it is not the same sensation. Okay, so what do you do about it?

Relax. That’s it, one step. Simple! (Though not necessarily easy; it will take practice.)

If you feel like you need to pee even when your bladder is empty, it’s most likely because your urethral sponge is swollen and therefore you can’t pee, even if you want to. So, take a deep breath and relax into the sensation. Let it be sensual, let it grow. You won’t pee. Relax.

Experience the sensation without judgment. Given time and practice, your body will create a

new category for this sensation, it will learn that this sensation is erotic, and eventually you will be able to recognize the ways in which this sensation is very distinct from the need to pee.

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