
What types of ailments are handled in an emergency room (ER)?

Discovery Health
Discovery Health

One of the most fascinating aspects of emergency medicine is the huge range of maladies seen in patients who arrive on a daily basis. No other medical specialty has the variety of conditions an emergency room physician sees in a typical week.

Conditions that bring people to the emergency room can include:

  • Auto accidents
  • Sports injuries
  • A multitude of broken bones or cuts from accidents and falls
  • Burns
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Heart attacks, chest pain
  • Difficulty in breathing, including asthma attacks and pneumonia
  • Strokes that can include loss of function and numbness in arms or legs
  • Loss of sight or hearing
  • Unconsciousness
  • Confusion or altered levels of consciousness (such as fainting)
  • Suicidal or homicidal thoughts
  • Drug overdoses
  • Severe abdominal pain and persistent vomiting
  • Food poisoning
  • Blood in vomit, urine, in bowel movements or when coughing
  • Severe allergic reactions that can be caused by insect bites, foods or medications
  • Complications from diseases and high fevers

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