
Do I have to do 30 mins of cardio all at one time?

National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine

If your goal is to improve general health such as reducing the risk for heart disease, you do not have to perform 30 minutes of cardio all at one time. Research has shown that splitting cardiorespiratory exercise into smaller bouts of activity, such as three sessions of 10 minute bouts of activity can be just as helpful. As long as you are able to perform a minimum of 10 minutes per bout of exercise, you can consider your cardio sessions for the day as cumulative, allowing you to split up the time according to your personal preference. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who do not have time to devote 30 minutes at one time to exercise. It is also ideal for individuals who do not like cardio and find themselves having to mentally prepare for a large cardio session.

Kristy Lee Wilson - Sharecare Fitness Expert
Kristy Lee Wilson - Sharecare Fitness Expert on behalf of Sharecare Fitness
For general health improvements, research has shown that performing three 10 minute sessions of physical activity is just as effective as performing one 30 minute session. Therefore, if you are looking for general health improvements, no, you do not have to do 30 minutes of cardio all at one time. However, it is important that you do perform 30 minutes total per day, five to seven days a week. Choose activities that you enjoy such as walking your day, playing soccer with your children, or working in the garden. The more you enjoy the activity, the better. These activities should also be of moderate enough intensity to raise your heart rate and increase your rate of breathing.

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