
Why is ADHD more common in boys?

Donna Hill Howes, RN
Donna Hill Howes, RN
Family Medicine
You may wonder why boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than girls. One reason that boys are labeled with ADHD is because of the symptoms they display. Boys with ADHD are more likely to act out. They tend to be more hyperactive than girls, causing problems at home and in the classroom. As a result, boys are sent for ADHD diagnosis and treatment.

Girls with ADHD tend to be overlooked. As they enter their teenage years, depression, anxiety, and panic disorders emerge. They start to abuse drugs and alcohol. Yet, ADHD treatments could still be helpful for teenage girls. Screening tools need to address these gender differences so both boys and girls with ADHD get the treatment they need.

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