Eat this bread to curb afternoon appetite

Make midafternoon cravings a thing of the past by bulking up your breakfast with a slice of rye toast.

Research suggests that eating rye bread may do an even better job than wheat bread at keeping stomachs from growling later in the day.

The Toast That Tides You Over

In a study, people who ate rye bread with breakfast were less hungry before and after lunch compared with people who ate wheat. Rye’s super-high fiber content probably has something to do with it. But researchers suspect that rye may also produce a lower insulin response than wheat bread (this would help with hunger), and that rye may have a unique fiber composition that keeps people feeling full longer. Here are some simple breakfast rules that can help you shed pounds.

Filling Fiber

Of all the rye breads tested, rye-bran bread had the best effect on hunger. Makes sense, since it also has the highest fiber content of the breads. Need to get more fiber in your diet? Try these tricks:

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