
Get the latest information about staying on top of your wellness.


5 ways cheering for your favorite sports team benefits your health
Watching sports can be a fun activity to do with family and friends. The activity can also have oth...


Practicing happiness: 5 simple steps
Being happy takes practice, but the results are well worth the effort!


4 fashion choices that can affect your health
Are high heels to blame for foot pain? Will your favorite sweater trigger allergies? Vonda Wright, M...


The Healing Power of Generosity
Helping others can add years to your life. Here are 7 kind acts to perform today.


7 Surprising Things That Happen to Your Body During Space Travel
Space flight can cause behavior changes, bone loss, rashes, and more.


Breaking sleep barriers: How to get really good Zzs
Learn practical tips and strategies to positive changes to your sleep habits and experience the prof...


How aging affects your metabolism, according to a study
Researchers have found that there are no significant differences between the metabolic rates of wome...


5 Strange Summer Myths, Debunked
Understand the facts about bugs, pools, bears, and other seasonal hazards to help stay safe this ...


5 tips for handling Father’s Day when you’re grieving
For those who've experienced loss, the holiday can be hard to deal with.


6 Ways to Stay on Track—Emotionally and Physically—This Winter
Shorter sunshine hours and hectic days don’t mean you have to forgo your healthy routines....