Health TopicsLife and family

Life and family

Get the latest information to help you stay on top of what's important with your life and family.


5 ways cheering for your favorite sports team benefits your health
Watching sports can be a fun activity to do with family and friends. The activity can also have oth...


What You Need to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance
Most of us will experience a disability or chronic illness at some point in our lives. This cover...


What Type of Investor Are You?
Find out how much risk you're willing to take in search of higher returns.


Two "Truths" That Prevent You From Investing Successfully
Mistaking these myths for facts could set you up for failure.


What You Need to Know About Ocean Trash in Hawaii
Debris in the Pacific is harmful to native species, the environment and human health.


Patient Stories: Know Yourself
Read how one patient made his own luck by being in tune with his body -- and being persistent with d...


How to find the right healthcare provider
Get a three-step plan to finding the practitioner you need.


Science of Attraction: Why Some People Seem Irresistible
From pheromones to a full night’s rest, here’s a glimpse into the psychology of love and attraction....


Not Seeing This Doc? You Could Be Shortchanging Your Health
Primary care providers do more than just checkups. Here’s why you need to visit one regularly.


Why You Should Start Saving for College Now
The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow—and grow and grow.