Health TopicsLife and family

Life and family

Get the latest information to help you stay on top of what's important with your life and family.


Why sitting is a major health risk—and 3 simple things you can do about it
Whether it’s a chair, sofa, cushion, or tuffet, sitting for too long could shorten your life.


5 Steps to a Healthier Bank Account
Start improving your financial well-being today.


4 women caregivers who changed healthcare for women's history month
Here are four women whose critical work behind the scenes changed healthcare.


Why relationships are the highest form of mindfulness practice
Mindfulness coach Rosie Acosta, Jen Caudle, DO, and therapist Juliana Hauser, PhD, discuss how to ma...


Why "real life" is allowing & understanding every feeling
The iconic Sharon Salzberg, meditation teacher and author, sits down with Sharecare’s Judson Brewer,...


Which medications affect the absorption of vitamin B12?
Preventive Medicine Specialist David Katz, MD, explains which medications can affect the absorption ...


What is most important to know about breaking a carb addiction?
Addiction Specialist Mike Dow, PsyD, discusses the most important things one should know about how t...


What are you thankful for?
Neurosurgeon and medical reporter, Sunjay Gupta, MD, and disability rights activist, Tim Shriver, Ph...


What are the causes of fatigue?
Functional medicine expert Susan Blum, MD, discusses the various causes of fatigue. Learn more infor...


What are some tips for taking a good nap?
Internist and sleep expert Carol Ash, DO, explains the various factors that are most ideal for nappi...