
Can I have cataract surgery if I can't lie flat?

Wayne Bizer
Wayne Bizer on behalf of American Academy of Ophthalmology's EyeSmart

It is necessary for a patient to lie more or less flat to perform cataract surgery the modern way, with a tiny incision and no stitches. All ophthalmologists have patients from time to time with various physical problems that make it very challenging to help a patient to lie flat enough for cataract surgery. We are often able to tilt the surgery table in such a manner as to allow for our surgery in a safe manner.

There may be another option, however. I recall seeing an old movie of one of the historic greats in ophthalmology performing an old-style cataract surgery on a patient in a sitting position. It was a marvel to watch this movie.  This would certainly be a high-risk surgery and should not be approached until the vision problem is most severe.

I suggest your ophthalmologist and internist conference on your condition to see if a safe approach can be formulated. If that is not possible, ask your ophthalmologist to refer you to an ophthalmologist who specializes in complicated cataract surgery for an opinion, recognizing that this might take you anywhere in the country and that you might have travel issues.

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