3 Liquids That Help Halt Hunger

Keep that hefty appetite firmly under control by making these three liquids part of each day: skim milk, H2O, and olive oil.

That's right. Studies suggest that these three fab fluids may keep hunger at bay, reduce calorie intake, and keep the pounds from creeping on.

Skim milk: In a study, the people who drank about 20 ounces of skim milk at breakfast ate way less at lunch compared with the people who had fruit juice with their morning meals. The researchers think the proteins in skim milk -- whey and casein -- may help make skim milk quite the filler-upper. (Not a milk drinker? Fill up on this popular high-protein breakfast food instead.)

Olive oil: This Mediterranean staple is loaded with a hunger-curbing compound called oleic acid. This monounsaturated fat stimulates the small intestine to make another fatlike substance that sends "full" signals from the stomach to the brain. Other foods high in oleic acid include sunflower seeds, canola oil, safflower oil, almonds, and avocados. (Find out why corn oil may be a bad choice for you.)

Water: Numerous studies suggest that folks who drink ample water feel fuller and eat far fewer calories throughout the day compared with people who don't drink enough agua. Water drinkers are also less likely to indulge in sweetened drinks like soda, calorie-laden coffee drinks, and sugary sports drinks. And in yet another study, drinking 16 ounces of water before each meal helped dieters lose more weight -- and lose it faster -- than dieters who didn't drink water before meals. (Here's how water helped people lose more weight in the study.)

Find out why water plus fiber equals a younger you.

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