
Stay up to date on the latest information around yoga exercises and the health benefits.


5 reasons to do yoga
Vonda Wright, MD, explains why yoga is a great low-impact exercise for the whole body.


3 ways yoga can help you manage your weight
This mind-body practice can help you burn calories, ease stress, and more.


8 Yoga Poses for Strong Legs
Tone and strengthen your legs with this simple yoga routine.


Yoga Poses in 12 Easy Steps
Learn the correct moves for doing a simple Sun Salutation.


4 Simple Yoga Moves for Better Sex
Strengthen your muscles, improve your mood, and turn your love life up a notch.


8 Yoga Moves for a Happier Mood
The ancient movement practice doesn't only benefit joints and muscles. It may help improve yo...


7 Yoga Poses You Can Do on an Airplane
These simple moves can keep you flexible when you travel.


Yoga to Inspire Love and Community
How a yoga practice can enhance the love, community and support that are an integral part of the hea...


Yoga to Change Your Habits
Have you ever found yourself driving mindlessly home and when you arrive home you can’t rec...


A Meditation to Find Compassion and Love
We all felt the tug at our hearts when we heard the news of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. Th...