
Can sitting too long cause prostate problems?

Univ. of Nev. School of Medicine, Family Medicine
Univ. of Nev. School of Medicine, Family Medicine
Sitting for long periods of time is not good for your health, but probably does not cause prostrate problems. Long periods of sitting may contribute to hemorrhoids and, more importantly, to poor heart health. If your job requires you to sit for long periods, it is recommended that you get up and walk around periodically.

When a man sits, he sits on his prostate gland. This puts pressure on the prostate, which, over time, can cause irritation. To relieve this pressure, get up and move around at least once every hour.

In the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, researchers found that the more hours a study participant watched TV -- a measurement of inactivity -- the more likely symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) would develop.

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