
What could cause long-term vaginal itching?

Donna Hill Howes, RN
Donna Hill Howes, RN
Family Practitioner

Assuming that your vagina has already been evaluated for the more common causes of vaginal itching (yeast infection, trichomoniasiss infections, BV), other causes of vaginal itching can be varied. Be sure to try an allergen-free clothes detergent, eliminate any sources of irritants like feminine hygiene sprays/powders and wear 100 percent cotton panties. Other diseases causing chronic vaginal itching can be the human papillomavirus (warts, flat or raised, seen or unseen), an autoimmune disorder called lichen sclerosis, perhaps herpes virus, and dryness caused by estrogen deprivation. Additionally, sometimes the birth control NuvaRing can cause an increase in vaginal secretions and itching for some. Chronic, long term vaginal itching needs to be addressed and figured out! Sometimes, there is a scratch/itch cycle too, where once you start scratching then that causes more itching sensation and it's a vicious cycle.

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