
Does fluoride have any side effects?

American Dental Association
American Dental Association

Fluoride is a health benefit for preventing tooth decay. In its most common forms of fluoride tooth and community water that is fluoridated, it does not have any health complications or side effects. In fact studies over the last 65 years have repeatedly proven fluoride to be safe and effective for all ages. It is possible to develop very mild or mild fluorosis on your teeth. These small yellow streaks are barely noticeable from a speaking distance.

Fluoride supplements are generally well tolerated, but they can sometimes make you feel sick to your stomach. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and mouth sores have been reported when taking fluoride supplements. Rashes are also possible, as some people are allergic to fluoride. More serious reactions, usually from a prolonged overdose, include stained teeth, bone problems (including fractures), and gastrointestinal bleeding. 

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