Overactive bladder

Find out everything you need to know about overactive bladder, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


What Causes Overactive Bladder?
Urologist Harry Fisch, MD, explains the various reasons you may be experiencing frequent urination s...


Fast Facts About Overactive Bladder
Get the must-know facts that can help you take control of your overactive bladder.


My Story: Veronica and overactive bladder
Overactive bladder (OAB) can be embarrassing—but you're not alone. In the U.S., over 200,000 cases a...


What's Really Happening in the Bladder When You Have OAB
Learn how overactive bladder happens and how the condition can be treated.


Tips for Living With Overactive Bladder (OAB)
OAB can hurt your social life, mental health and more. Here's how to cope.


How does overactive bladder (OAB) affect your relationships?
A round table discussion with women living with overactive bladder and how it affects relationships ...


5 All-Natural Ways to Improve Your Bladder Control
Smart tweaks to stop the leaks.


9 Foods and Drinks to Avoid for a Better Bladder
Some of your favorites can irritate your bladder and worsen symptoms.


How does OAB affect your sense of self?
A round table discussion with women living with overactive bladder and how it affects your sense of ...


My Story: Brynn and OAB
Brynn shares her OAB story and expresses her hopes for the future now that she has decided to seek t...