
What is the difference between a lace-up ankle brace and a rigid brace?

National Athletic Trainers' Association
National Athletic Trainers' Association
Both lace-up and rigid ankle braces provide support for your ankle and ankle ligaments. Ankle braces are commonly used in many different sports to prevent many types and degrees of ankle injuries.

Lace-up ankle braces are softer braces that have laces that help tighten the brace against the ankle. They can be more lightweight and thinner, providing moderate stability to your ankle. This type of brace is good to use if you are prone to ankle sprains or recovering from an ankle sprain.
A rigid ankle brace is designed to treat more severe ankle sprains and injuries. These braces help immobilize the ankle and may provide compression to reduce swelling from the injury. They are typically thicker and less mobile than lace-up ankle braces. (This answer provided for NATA by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Education Program.)

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