
How can I teach my child the meaning of kindness?

Michele Borba
Michele Borba
One of the most important steps in teaching kindness is making sure kids know what kindness means, and it’s a step too often overlooked. So take time to define the virtue.

You might say, “Kindness means you are concerned about other people. Kind people think about another person’s feelings and just their own, they help someone who is in need, and they are kind even when others are not. Kind people never expect anything in return. They just treat other people kindly because they want to help make someone’s life better. Kindness makes the world a nicer place, because it makes people happier. And it’s a virtue I want you to always use.”

Consider making and hanging up poster that lists or depicts kind deeds your family can do for one another. It will serve as a constant reminder of simple ways to make the world a little better.

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