
How much sugar does the average person consume every year?

Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD
Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition & Dietetics
American's sweet tooth may not be so sweet for their waist. Americans, on average, are consuming 22 teaspoons of added sugar daily, the equivalent of 350 calories. That's over 8,000 teaspoons annually! This amount is double the amount recommended daily by the American Heart Association.

With over 65 percent of Americans tipping the bathroom scale in the direction of being classified as overweight or even obese, few of us have an extra 350 calories kicking around in our daily diets to be devoted to less nutrition-rich foods with tons of added sugar.

Where is all of this sugar coming from?

The three top sources of added sugar in the diet of Americans are:
  • Soft drinks, energy drinks, and sports drinks;
  • Grain-based desserts, such as cakes and cookies; and
  • Fruit drinks.
Follow Joan on Twitter at:  joansalgeblake

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