
How may an ostomy affect my ability to take medicines?

Inform your pharmacist if you have an ostomy. There are certain medications that can cause difficulties with a colostomy or urostomy. 
  • Colostomy: Medication-induced constipation can be a problem. Sedatives and pain medications are associated with constipation.
  • Urostomy: Some medications can cause urinary stones. If you are taking a fluid pill, be aware that your pouch will need to be emptied more frequently. Many survivors with a urostomy take vitamin C for odor control.
  • Ileostomy: An ileostomy involves the small bowel, and medicine is absorbed in the small bowel. Ask your pharmacist about the effects of your medications. Also, talk with your healthcare team about which medicines to take.
Tablets and capsules must dissolve before they are absorbed. A sustained release 12-hour medication may not work well if you have an ileostomy. The pill might be eliminated through the ileostomy without being properly absorbed. A liquid formation of your medication may work better because it is absorbed faster.

Antibiotics and antacids can cause diarrhea in a survivor with an ileostomy.

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