Eat These Carbs to Live Longer

White bread may shave years off your life. But studies show that whole-wheat bread may be a life extender.

It's all thanks to the fiber. Fiber's long been known to boost both heart and bowel health. And now a new study reveals that fiber from whole grains may extend your life span.

Broad bread benefits

In a large study of middle-aged adults, those who consumed the most whole-grain fiber decreased their overall mortality rate by 22 percent! Not too shabby. The men in the study who achieved the life-extending benefit consumed at least 30 grams of fiber a day, while the longer-lived women got about 25 grams a day. And for reasons that aren't clear, fiber from whole grains had the best life-extending effect. (How long will you live? Find out why your photo albums may give you a clue.)

Fill up on fiber

What's so special about whole-grain fiber? It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may help ward off death from things like cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions, and infections, according to the study. Get your fill of fiber-rich whole grains by eating more whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and whole-grain cereals like oatmeal and shredded wheat. You'll get 2 grams of fiber in each slice of whole-wheat bread and in every half cup of brown rice. Check the labels on your cereals to make sure you're getting at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. (Here's how to make healthy choices when buying bread.)

Find out how you can boost your chances of a long and healthy life by goofing off today!

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