
9 Questions to Ask Yourself About Migraines

It's important to evaluate your migraine treatment from time to time. Get started by asking yourself these questions.

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9-Minute Meditation for Migraine

According to the American Migraine Foundation, people with migraines, who regularly pratice mediation, may experience fewer migraines per month than those that don't.

Migraines with Aura and Migraines Without Aura

The difference between migraine with aura and without aura, and what we know about what causes migraines.

How Planning Ahead Can Help Prevent Migraines

Why planning ahead is the first step to migraine prevention.

Migraine Phases and Silent Migraines

You can have a migraine without a headache.

The Risk of Inadequate Migraine Treatment

Under-treating or over-treating migraines can lead to more frequent headache days.
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