
How Does OAB Affect Your Relationships?

Overactive bladder often affects relationships. In this video, four women living with OAB share honest details about how the condition has affected intimacy and more.

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What's Really Happening in the Bladder When You Have OAB

Learn how overactive bladder happens and how the condition can be treated.

Do I Have an Overactive Bladder or Something Else?

Many issues can cause you to urinate a lot. Learn what's behind those frequent trips to the bathroom.

Habits that Impact Bladder Control

How to avoid habits that can aggravate symptoms of urinary incontinence.

My Story: Lynne and OAB

Lynne shares her struggle with OAB and urges other OAB patients to seek help for this bladder condition.

Fast Facts About Overactive Bladder

Get the must-know facts that can help you take control of your overactive bladder.