Tap Your Feet to Burn More Calories

Restless movement may have a calorie-burning payoff.

a young Asian woman stands while working at her desk

Looking for a way to boost your daily calorie burn? Tapping your foot could help. It may sound silly, but consider the numbers: Whether they were leg bouncers, toe tappers, or thumb twiddlers, people in a study who had a habit of fidgeting burned nearly 350 extra calories on average per day!

Fidget more, burn more calories

It's true: Fidgeters are more likely to stave off weight gain from extra calories. One truly fidget-prone person in the study burned a whopping 700 extra calories per day. 

Turn on the burn

You don't have to be a gifted tap dancer to get the job done. Doing just about anything besides sitting still counts, whether that's working at a standing desk, pacing the floor between assignments, or making regular visits to the kitchen for a sip of water. The more active you are, the better.

Of course, one of the best ways to increase your daily calorie use is to exercise regularly. If making it to the gym is a tall order for you, try making simple tweaks to your day to get more movement: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Hide the remote and get up to change the channel. Walk whenever you talk on the cell phone. Burn calories without even trying with this no-equipment workout.

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