Health TopicsLife and family

Life and family

Get the latest information to help you stay on top of what's important with your life and family.


How aging affects your metabolism, according to a study
Researchers have found that there are no significant differences between the metabolic rates of wome...


5 Strange Summer Myths, Debunked
Understand the facts about bugs, pools, bears, and other seasonal hazards to help stay safe this ...


Diagnostic software: Helping patients better understand their condition
Wellaho is an FDA-approved software application that a doctor can prescribe to manage a chronic dise...


7 Biggest Life Insurance Questions, Answered
Find out where you can get life insurance, whether you'll need a medical exam and much more....


5 tips for handling Father’s Day when you’re grieving
For those who've experienced loss, the holiday can be hard to deal with.


5 reasons you should track your spending
Keeping track of your spending helps you save more money. It’s also good for your health.


3 Steps to Reduce the Major Health Risk You Face Every Day
Whether it’s a chair, sofa, cushion, or tuffet, sitting for too long could shorten your life.


Understanding the Mental Health Dimensions of Juneteenth
While the holiday celebrates progress and offers a chance to tend to individual well-being, conflict...


6 Ways to Stay on Track—Emotionally and Physically—This Winter
Shorter sunshine hours and hectic days don’t mean you have to forgo your healthy routines....


4 Benefits a Trip to Hawaii Can Have on Your Health
Visiting the Aloha State can help your body, mind and spirit.