Easy Tips for Solving Problems

Got a tricky problem you’ve been noodling for days? You’ll solve it faster if you talk it out.

Whether you’re rearranging the living room furniture, planning a party, or doing complicated math calculations, research shows that problems get simpler when you discuss them out loud. The key to a sharp mind is to process the problem verbally.

Doodle, Doodle, Doo

In a study, researchers found that college-level mathematicians who talked themselves through solving problems got faster, more accurate answers than the number-crunchers who kept their mouths shut. Sketching and scribbling while they worked seemed to give students the problem-solving edge as well. (Discover an ancient art that keeps your memory and thinking skills nimble.)

Do Right by Your Brain

Talking and drawing stimulate those little gray cells inside your noggin. A very good thing, because getting more brain centers involved helps you grasp a problem more quickly and analyze solutions more effectively. Are you helping your brain do its best work? Here are some more tips for obtaining a sharp mind:

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