Where to Find Support During Your Hep C Treatment

Get the emotional help you need with these resources.

older asian couple laughing

If you have hepatitis C, you already know that treatment can be a battle, both physically and emotionally. After starting treatment, it’s important to seek emotional support throughout your journey. Here are a few resources to get the support you need:

Support groups

Talking to people who truly understand what you're going through can be one of the most powerful steps you can take in feeling better about your condition. People in a support group may talk about how they battle stigma, which treatments have worked for them and how they talk to their loved ones about hep C. Hearing these shared experiences can help you feel like you're not alone—and help you make more informed decisions about your hep C treatment. Rather than feeling a sense of shame, you'll feel a sense of community.

The Internet

If you can't find a local support group with convenient meetings or prefer to keep your condition anonymous, you can find support just by getting online. Talking to people with hep C online can be just as empowering as in-person meet ups. You can join the conversation whenever, wherever and don't have to rely on transportation or scheduling. Plus, if you prefer to keep your diagnosis a secret, online support groups allow anonymity.

There are countless discussion boards, social media platforms and forums you can join to discuss your treatment with others. 

Outside of social media, the internet is a great place to get more information about hep C in general. You can dispel common myths and find fitness and nutrition tips to stay well during treatment. Plus, being informed about your condition is its own type of emotional support—you’ll have fewer questions about it, and therefore be less anxious. But be sure to talk to your doctor regularly about your condition and any concerns you have.

Self-help books

If technology isn't your thing, you can always read a self-help book to learn how to deal with the physical and emotional elements of your health. There are lots of books about hep C and living with the condition, but you may find general self-help books beneficial to your emotional wellbeing, too. Check out the self-help section of your local library; while they may not cover hep C specifically, they can provide anecdotes and tips that can help you feel better.

Friends and family

Surrounding yourself with loved ones is key to staying on track with your treatment—and your physical and mental health. These special people can take you to doctor's appointments, remind you to take your medication and, most importantly, can support you emotionally.

You don't have to navigate the ins and outs of your condition alone. Find support today to start living a happier, healthier life with hep C.

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