
Which body organ can regenerate?

Discovery Health
Discovery Health

The liver is the only organ in the body that can grow cells and regenerate itself. It can actually be split in half and transplanted into two different recipients. A living personal also can have a portion of his or her liver removed, and the portion that remains will regenerate itself to nearly its original size.

Livers can be transplanted into a recipient, without removing the recipient's own liver.

Since an adult liver can be split, it can be split in such a way that the portion will not be too large for a child to receive it, and that portion will grow to accommodate the child as he or she becomes an adult.

Here's a closer look at statistics involving liver transplants:

  • The number of people who were added to list from July 2006 to June 2007: 10,887
  • The total number of people who were on kidney waiting list as of June 2007: 17,142
  • The total number of transplants from deceased donors from July 2006 to June 2007: 6,274
  • The total number of transplants from living donors from July 2006 to June 2007: 258
  • The mortality rate while awaiting a liver: 13 percent

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