Health TopicsImmune system

Immune system

Find out everything you need to know about your immune system including what's essential to stay on top of.


My story: relearning to live after my lupus diagnosis
Not knowing what the condition was, Trachele was terrified when she got her lupus diagnosis. In this...


Eat apples to boost immunity
Here's a sweet way to boost your immunity: eat an apple. Kevin Soden, MD, explains how the pectin i...


Pop Star Selena Gomez Treated for Lupus
Experts set the record straight on her "chemotherapy."


What are the Different Types of Lupus?
Learn about the most common and less common forms of this autoimmune disease.


How Lupus Can Affect the Nervous System
Learn how lupus can affect the nervous system, plus symptoms to watch for.


7 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Immune System
Help keep your immune system in peak form with these tips from Michael F. Roizen, MD.


Telling Your Employer You Have Lupus
What you need to know when you disclose your diagnosis to an employer.


Lupus and Nutrition: Foods to Avoid
While there is no specific “lupus diet,” there are foods that people with lupus need to avoid.


3 Steps to Take After a Lupus Diagnosis
What you need to know about setting treatment goals, finding support, and patient education.


My Story: Trachele and Lupus
Trachele shares her journey of understanding lupus, understanding how it affects her body, and under...