Health Topicskidney-urinary-healthKidney disease and failure

Kidney disease and failure

Find out everything you need to know about kidney disease, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


Sodium, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and CKD
How a diet high in sodium can worsen chronic kidney disease.


IgA Nephropathy: Understanding Proteinuria
High levels of protein in urine are a predictor of complications from IgA nephropathy.


Diabetic Kidney Disease: Questions When Starting a New Medication
Questions to ask when your healthcare provider prescribes a new medication to help treat diabetic ki...


3 Embarrassing Bladder Problems and How to Plug the Leaks
Discover what may be causing some common urinary incontinence problems and learn what you can do to ...


What Does Passing a Kidney Stone Feel Like?
Kidney stone pain is no joke, sending more than 500,000 people to the ER each year.


Have High Blood Pressure or Diabetes? Watch Out for This
They're responsible for 73 percent of new kidney failure cases.


IgA Nephropathy: Key Concepts to Understand
A look at how the kidneys work and how IgA nephropathy damages these important organs.


What are the complications of IgA nephropathy?
Preventing these complications is an important focus of treatment for immunoglobulin A nephropathy.


Type 2 Diabetes and the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease
How diabetes can damage the kidneys and what you can do to prevent this complication.


Are cysts on the kidneys serious?
Cysts in the kidneys can be seious. Some are caused by genetic conditions such as adult polycystic k...