Think This Thought to Curb Overeating

When you lift that forkful of whole-wheat pasta to your mouth, do you think "tasty," or do you think "healthy"? To curb overeating, focus on the mouth appeal.

In a study, thinking about a food's delicious flavor rather than its nutritional or health-related benefits helped to curb hunger later in the day.

A Taste That Satisfies

Delectable, savory, juicy, crunchy, yummy ... all good words to have running through your mind when you munch on something healthy. That's exactly what people in a study did when they ate a chocolate-raspberry protein bar. And eating the bar with those kinds of thoughts in mind made the morsels much more satisfying than when the study participants thought of the treat as a fiber- and vitamin-packed health bar.

Thinking Is Believing

Although nothing could be further from the truth, many people mistakenly believe that healthy, low-cal foods simply can't satisfy hunger the way tasty foods can—and this type of thinking may help explain the study results.

Here are 10 more secrets to outwitting your appetite.

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