Go Nuts With Chocolate

chunks of dark chocolate with macadamia nuts

Pretty much anything tastes good when it’s covered in chocolate. Think chocolate-covered raisins, espresso beans, strawberries—the list keeps going. One chocolaty combination is surprisingly good for your health: Chocolate covered nuts. In fact, this combo has an unofficial national holiday named after it in February: Chocolate Covered Nuts Day (Although feel free to celebrate the combo on National Chocolate Day in July, too!). Here’s why chocolate-covered nuts deserve so much attention.

Go Dark!

Dark chocolate, the kind that’s 70 percent cocoa or higher, is rich in a group of antioxidants known as flavonoids. Studies have found that these antioxidants may help lower your blood pressure, improve cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Some evidence suggests dark chocolate may even boost mood and improve memory. (Pass on milk chocolate and white chocolate if you're looking for health benefits.) 

Get Nutty!

Nuts, whether they are pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds or any other nut you prefer, keep your heart healthy because they’re rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fats. These good-for-you fats can help lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol and diabetes. 

The Winning Combo

Dark chocolate and nuts are great for you by themselves, but when you mix them together you get the health benefits of both foods. Just be sure to enjoy in moderation. A handful will satisfy your sweet tooth while still keeping you healthy.

Article sources open article sources

Steven Petrow. “Is chocolate healthy? Alas, the answer isn’t sweet. Here’s why.” Washington Post. October 26, 2019.
Mayo Clinic. “Is chocolate good for my health?” March 26, 2020.
Nuts for Life. “Nuts and their fat.” July 18, 2019.

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