Grab Carrots This Color for Extra Antioxidants

Today's carrots come in a rainbow of colors, but here's the hue with the most antioxidants: purple.

Research shows that, bite for bite, purple carrots have more antioxidants than orange, yellow, red, and white varieties.

Falling Short

Did you know that compared with fruits and vegetables produced 50 years ago, today's produce has less nutrition? Which makes it all the more important not only to boost your overall fruit and vegetable intake but also to choose the most nutritious stuff you can find. Aim for at least 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables every day, the amounts recommended by both RealAge and the U.S. government. And when you can, choose fruits and vegetables with the darkest hue—like purple carrots. Studies show that purple carrots have 10 times more phenols than other carrot varieties.

Powerful Protection

Phenols are super-powerful antioxidants that help fight disease and help slow down aging. They're found not only in carrots but also onions, apples, and tea. Here are a few examples of other healthful antioxidants, and where you can find them:

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