
My diabetes story: David

Updated on October 22, 2024

In this video, type 2 diabetes patient David Traynham discusses his experiences as a diabetic, including his diagnosis, his treatments over the years and how his diagnosis has helped him to focus on the important things in life.

Medically reviewed in February 2022.

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Type 2 diabetes, it's made me more aware of what life is all about, what's really important in life.
I'm a pastor in Albany, New York. I am the grandfather of five adorable grandchildren.
My initial Type 2 diabetes symptoms were frequent urination, and, also, I was thirsty all the time.
My wife is the one that pointed out that it was abnormal. My first treatment was in 2003.
And during that time, I was on an oral medication. I had questions about it. However, the doctor that I had at the time
was not able to answer them. What worked for me was when I changed doctors, and, together, we worked, and we found
what actually does work for me. Those things that actually work, is, there's a long-term injectable.
He suggested me going to diabetic classes. He also suggested me going to a nutritionist, of which I did.
Both were very beneficial. I'm finding that knowledge of the disease is actually the power that we can have.
But knowledge, in and of itself, if it's not applied, it's not going to be beneficial. And so knowing what to do is one thing,
but actually following through and doing those things is what's going to cause you to progress.

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