
My Story: Jessi and Lung Cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer is a type of lung cancer that can affect both smokers and nonsmokers. In this video, Jessi bravely shares her lung cancer diagnosis story and how support from her family keeps her strong.

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I'm a 36-year-old lung cancer survivor living my best life and I'm going to kick lung cancer's butt.
[MUSIC PLAYING] I'm Carey Baumann. I'm an oncology nurse navigator. Joining me today is Jessi, she is a lung cancer patient.
And so, Jessi, tell me about your story. I was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer at 33.
In the beginning, it was very overwhelming. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sorry.
I started out on chemo, it didn't work for me. Then I later moved to immunotherapy, which I've
been doing for 2 and 1/2 years. And luckily, it has been my saving grace.
My five year goal was to see my baby graduate. We get through this as a family. It doesn't just affect me, it affects everybody.
So in 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I was worried about money. I was worried about my kids. I met a nurse navigator, and she was just
able to help kind of be that solid foundation. So when I was done with treatment,
I wanted to join the team. And I did. And now I'm able to give back to my patients.
So it's more than just my job, it's very personal. A lot of people don't understand how personal it is.
You survive, you know? There is no giving up because things are changing so fast in the cancer world now.
And I just remain hopeful that I'm going to succeed and I'm going to beat this. Yes, you are.
It's networking. It's getting-- JESSI: It is. --your network in place so that you don't miss anything that's available to you.
So we can get the best possible outcome. That's our goal. [MUSIC PLAYING]

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