Joint pain

Joint pain can make even simple movements difficult. Learn the possible causes, including injury and degenerative joint disease, symptoms, and treatments.


Joint pain can be caused by many different things.

In order to understand why you have it and how to get the help you need, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider (HCP) about any new or recurring joint pain.

They'll ask you about injuries, health conditions, and other factors that might help them find the source of the pain and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.  

What might that treatment plan involve? Will medications or joint supplements help? How about medical procedures? Could exercises or lifestyle changes play a role, as well?

Find out which treatments, or combination of treatments, may provide you with pain relief, while improving your long-term joint health.

Your HCP can help you find a solution that's right for you.

Joint pain causes

From the simplest movement, like opening a jar, to more complex moves, you use your joints to keep your body in motion. So, when your joints hurt, it can be worrisome. Could it be degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis? Is it due to an injury? Could it be a seemingly unconnected health issue affecting your joint health? Learn about common causes and see why working with your HCP is so important.

Joint pain symptoms

Man holding his aching shoulder after a workout.

Joint pain can feel different for everyone. It could be a sharp pain in your wrist, a deep pain in your hip, a nagging ache in your neck, a quick, shooting pain when you raise your arms, or something entirely different. Read more about some of the symptoms of joint pain.

Joint pain diagnosis

Your HCP will work to accurately diagnose your joint pain, but what does that involve? An X-ray, CT scan, or MRI? What about bloodwork or other types of tests? Find out what to expect as your HCP rules out or confirms certain diagnoses.

Joint pain treatments

Physical therapist helping out a patient with knee pain and flexibility.

Depending on your symptoms and what's causing your joint pain, your HCP may recommend certain medications, joint supplements, exercises, surgery, or a combination of therapies. When talking to your HCP, give them as much information as you can about your health, activities, lifestyle, and your pain, so they can find the best treatment for you.

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