Health TopicsDrug information

Drug information

Get the latest information about drugs, medications, supplements and more.


Discard Your Old Pills on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Dispose of unwanted medications anonymously and safely at a location near you.


Skipping your meds? Here's why that's a bad idea
Not taking the right doses at the right time—or omitting your medications completely—can put your he...


5 steps to starting your new prescription right
Beginning a new prescription can be challenging. Here are smart strategies to make sure you start of...


5 tips for finding the best treatment for tardive dyskinesia
Finding the best treatment options for tardive dyskinesia isn't always easy; Here are five tips to h...


5 complications of living with tardive dyskinesia
Tardive dyskinesia is a syndrome defined by involuntary movements and it comes with complications. L...


Treating tardive dyskinesia
Psychiatrist Sue Varma, MD, and Sanjay Gupta, MD, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, talk about tardiv...


What Are Biosimilar Drugs?
Learn more about these safe, effective—and more affordable—treatment options for many diseases.


6 Prescription Drug Challenges—And How to Overcome Them
If you have a chronic condition, it’s crucial that you stick with your treatment plan.


5 Steps to Help Prevent Medication Mistakes
Does your prescription pill look different? Avoid a prescription mix-up with these simple tips.


How Much is Too Much Ibuprofen?
A study found 15 percent of Americans taking the drug went over the maximum weekly dosage.