
See All Group Directory in Winston Salem, NC


4 Providers
1340 Creekshire Way Ste 100 Winston Salem, NC

Make an Appointment

(336) 768-3240

Telehealth services available

DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER is a medical group practice located in Winston Salem, NC. This practice specializes in Ophthalmology and Optometry. They are open 5 days per week.


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Frequently Asked Questions

DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER is located at 1340 Creekshire Way Ste 100, Winston Salem, NC 27103.

Providers at DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER specialize in Ophthalmology and Optometry.

Four providers practice at DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER.

Use the insurance check on this page to verify if DUKE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER is in-network.


  1. Duke Eye Center Winston-Salem

    1. 1
      1340 Creekshire Way Ste 100, Winston Salem, NC 27103 Directions (336) 768-3240
    2. 2
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-6749
    3. 3
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-6611
    4. 4
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 660-5060
    5. 5
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-4584
    6. 6
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-1857
    7. 7
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-4417
    8. 8
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-3771
    9. 9
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 681-3568
    10. 10
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-2975
    11. 11
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-8111
    12. 12
      2351 ERWIN RD, Durham, NC 27705 Directions (919) 684-0433
    13. 13
      3480 Wake Forest Rd Ste 300, Raleigh, NC 27609 Directions (919) 862-5380
    14. 14
      5601 Arringdon Park Dr Ste 420, Morrisville, NC 27560 Directions (919) 681-3937