
Ways to Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor

Many patients with endometriosis can spend years getting an accurate diagnosis. In this video, Kevin Windom, MD, offers advice for patients experiencing pelvic pain and tips on how to prepare for an appointment with a healthcare provider.

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The Stages of Endometriosis

Staging endometriosis can be a useful tool for healthcare providers and patients, but it has drawbacks.

What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

Severe period cramps and uncomfortable sex may be endometriosis red flags.

Importance of Exercise for Endometriosis

Learn about the impact obesity has on endometriosis and why exercise is important.

From Questions to Answers: Relief from Endometriosis

Learn how endometriosis is diagnosed and why it’s not so scary to seek medical attention, especially when treatment options are available.

3 Ways Exercise Can Help Relieve Endometriosis

Learn how exercise can ease symptoms of endometriosis, like pain and stress, and improve overall well-being.