Abide by Our Rules

By participating in discussions on Sharecare.com, you agree to abide by Sharecare’s Community Rules, Sharecare Terms, and Privacy Policy. If we become aware that a member has violated the Sharecare Terms, Community Rules or other posted Sharecare policies, that member’s account may be immediately and permanently suspended, without warning or other notice.

Everyone is welcome to participate by posting their comments, but we reserve the right to limit the number of comments any one user may post on a given topic, so as not to discourage others from participating.

Age Requirement

Online safety is of the utmost importance at Sharecare. For this reason, you must be 18 years old or older to participate in the discussion boards.

No Personal Information

For the safety and privacy of Sharecare’s Members, please do not post or solicit personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers, last names (you may use last initials), medical, financial, license plates, email addresses or any other private information about yourself or others.

No Obscene or Hateful Language

We don’t allow obscene, hateful, profane, racist, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable language or material in any of our online discussions, videos, or comments. Further, you may not harass, insult, defame, slander, abuse or threaten another person. We suggest you discontinue any conversation that makes you uncomfortable.

No Solicitations or Advertisements

You may not post any content for commercial purposes. This includes advertisements for your business, the latest get-rich-quick scheme, solicitations for a charity and spam. Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify the validity of each and every organization that solicits donations; therefore, in an effort to protect Sharecare Members from fraud, we must prohibit solicitations for charities.

No Illegal Activity

You may not suggest or encourage illegal or violent activity. Sharecare will assist law enforcement officials.

Personal Advice

Any advice or information provided on Sharecare is of a general nature. This website is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always check with an appropriate licensed professional before relying on, taking or not taking action based upon the advice or information provided on Sharecare. Please keep in mind that Members may claim expertise or status (legal, medical, etc.) that they do not, in fact, possess. Thoughtful discretion should be given to all advice found on the site. If you are experiencing a medical emergency or feel that you need immediate assistance, please call 911 or your equivalent local emergency hotline.

Register One Username

You may not create more than one username. It is confusing to other Members and does not help in building a trustworthy community.

English Language

All public postings must be made in English.

Truthful and Accurate Information

Please only post content that is truthful, accurate and not misleading.

Authorized Postings

It is inappropriate to post content that infringes upon or violates the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity. You must have copyright ownership of all content you post or the necessary rights from the copyright owner to post such content in our discussion boards. By posting content, you are certifying that you have the permission of everyone who has contributed to or is incorporated in the content. If there are any individuals under the age of 18 in any photos, videos or other content that you post, you certify that you are their parent or legal guardian of any such minor and have the legal right to consent on his or her behalf to incorporate their appearance in the content. You further certify that the content you post does not contain the full name, physical address, email address, telephone number or social security number of any minor.

Post at Your Own Risk

You participate in the discussion boards at your own risk. Sharecare takes no responsibility for the content or opinions posted. You take full responsibility for any and all use under your account and username, regardless of whether you’ve authorized it.

Post a Message Only Once

Good manners online mean that you don’t post the same message more than once. Duplicate posts will be removed and members are subject to a Moderator warning.

All Posts Are Subject to Review

While we do not review all material posted and are under no obligation to do so, we reserve the right to accept, reject or remove any postings, including those that are off-subject, not in English or that contain personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, impersonations, advertising or that violate the Sharecare Community Rules or Sharecare Terms.

Report a Problem

If you feel that someone in the discussion boards or comments are behaving in an inappropriate manner, please let us know by visiting our Customer Support Portal.

Technical Problems

Are you having technical problems using Sharecare or a tool on our site? Please visit our Customer Support Portal.