Can Testosterone Really Keep You Honest?

There may be a surprising benefit of this hormone.

Bearded man comfortably sitting on a coach to de-stress by reading a book and holding his dog

Updated on March 11, 2022.

You know testosterone does a lot for your health. 

Not only is it important for sexual desire and satisfaction, but it also plays a role in brain size and function and your overall muscle tone.

Testosterone can even keep you honest!

A study found that men dosed with a bit of extra testosterone lied less frequently than those without the hormone helper.

Seems the hormone works in the brain to promote ethical behavior and feelings of social cooperation. It may also reduce fear and make you more resilient to stress and more self-confident.

Here’s how you can boost your testosterone levels:

  • Lower your body mass index (BMI). Every 2 point drop in BMI—that's about 12 excess pounds in a 5-foot, 9-inch person—increases circulating testosterone by 2 points.
  • Cut back on booze. Daily moderate drinking can lower testosterone levels by 7 percent.
  • Reduce stress. Chronic stress increases fat deposits that turn testosterone into estrogen.
  • Sleep 7 to 9 hours a night, every night. Deep sleep is when most testosterone is made.

Sweet dreams indeed!

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