Dr. Robert Fryer, MD
Dr. Robert Fryer, MD
Offers telehealth
Dr. Fryer graduated from
This provider offers telehealth appointments. Call the office to schedule.
Patients said this doctor explains conditions well.
Patients said this doctor is trustworthy.
Patients said the staff was friendly.
Compare with other Pediatric Neurologists
Experience Check
Insurance Accepted
Curative PPO PlusCurative EPOCurative PPO
GHI HMOEmblem HealthHealth Insurance Plan of Greater New York (HIP)GHI PPO
Affinity Health Plan
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
Amida Care
State BlueCare (with Expanded Network)-CTBlueCare Select (Tiered - Elm)-CTPathway Enhanced Tiered (Ind)-CT HMOBlueCare Select (Tiered - Charter)-CTCentury Preferred (Tiered)-CTBronze Standard Pathway X for HSA-CT PPOBlueCare Health Plan (with Expanded Network)-CTCity of New Haven - BlueCard-CTPathway CT (Small Grp)-CT HMOGold Standard Pathway X-CT PPOBronze Pathway X Enhanced Tiered-CT HMOState BlueCare (with Expanded Network - Tiered)-CTPathway X Enhanced Tiered (Ind)-CT HMODay Kimball Tiered-CT PPOSilver Pathway X Tiered-CT PPOSilver Pathway X w/HSA-CT HMONational (BlueCard Basic) PPOSilver Pathway X w/HSA-CT PPOBlueCare Health Plan (with Expanded Network - Tiered)-CTPathway CT Tiered (Small Grp)-CT PPOPathway Enhanced (Ind)-CT HMOCT Childrens Medical Center - Tiered-CT PPOPlatinum Pathway X-CT PPOAccess Blue New England Network-CTSilver Pathway X-CT PPOBronze Pathway X-CT PPOState Preferred (Tiered)-CTPathway X (Small Grp)-CT PPOBalanced Pathway-CT PPOBlue New England Network-CT HMOCentury Preferred Select (Tiered - Charter)-CTSilver Standard Pathway X-CT PPOSilver Standard Coinsurance Pathway X-CT PPOEmpire (Select Network)-NY POSBlue Access (Select Network)-NYCentury Preferred Select (Tiered - Elm)-CTGold Pathway X-CT HMOChoice Century Preferred Basic-CT PPOUSA-CT PPOState Preferred-CTCentury Preferred Tiered (Select Network)-CTChoice BlueCare-CT HMOBlue Priority (Select Network)-NYBronze Pathway X w/HSA-CT HMOGold Pathway X Enhanced Tiered-CT HMOCentury Preferred-CTPathway CT (Small Grp)-CT PPOPathway X Enhanced (Ind -)-CT HMONational (BlueCard) PPOGold Pathway X-CT PPOYale New Haven Health System - Tiered-CT PPOCatastrophic Pathway X Enhanced-CT HMOPathway X (Small Grp)-CT HMOBronze Standard Pathway X-CT PPOBlueChoice New England Network-CTPathway X (Ind)-CT PPOState BlueCare (Local Network only)-CTBronze Pathway X w/HSA-CT PPOBalanced Pathway Tiered-CT PPOBalanced Pathway-CT HMOCity of New Haven - Century Preferred-CT
CignaCigna EPOCigna POSGreat West Healthcare-Cigna
Oxford Health Plans
Choice Care PPO
Personal Choice PPO
United Healthcare POSCompassCommunity PlanUnited HealthcareUnited Healthcare EPO
Fidelis Care
VNS Choice
MultiPlan PPO
HealthyBlue AdvantageHealthyBlue 2.0
CUIMC/Harkness Pavilion180 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032
ColumbiaDoctors - Tarrytown155 White Plains Rd, Tarrytown, NY 10591
Office32 Strawberry Hill Ct, Stamford, CT 06902
Phelps Medical Practice155 White Plains Rd, Tarrytown, NY 10591
NewYork Presbyterian Columbia University Irving Medical Center180 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10032
NYU Dermatologic Surgery Mohs Lab222 E 41st St, New York, NY 10017
Patient Satisfaction
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How likely are you to recommend Dr. Fryer?
Dr. Fryer is the BEST!!! I have a daughter with a lot of complex medical issues. This man could not be more caring & thoughtful when it comes to her needs. He is able to connect with her on a level that most physicians can't (or won't). He is compassionate, personable, and really listens to the patient. I've worked in healthcare for 35+ years and know that many doctors like the "easy patients." She is not an easy case, yet nothing seems to rattle him. He never gives up on her! And for that we are so grateful! Can't say enough good things about him! If you are looking for an excellent pediatric neurologist Dr. Fryer is the man!
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About Me
- *Sharecare does not verify qualifications for medical specialties. Please verify your provider's specialty and qualifications directly with your provider and applicable medical board.
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Board Certifications
- Neurology with Special Qualification in Child Neurology
Columbia University Medical Center
Frequently Asked Questions
Find contact information here to make an appointment.
A list of accepted insurance providers is available on the Sharecare insurance check. It is always a good idea to verify your insurance when making an appointment.
New patients are generally accepted by Dr. Robert Fryer, MD. To arrange an appointment, call the number on Dr. Fryer's profile.
Dr. Fryer in specializes in Pediatric Neurology. See more on Sharecare.
Dr. Fryer's office is located at 180 Fort Washington Ave New York, NY 10032. You can find other locations and directions on Sharecare.
Dr. Fryer provides telehealth services. Please contact the office to determine whether you are eligible.
Dr. Robert Fryer, MD is affiliated with New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Garnet Health Medical Center and Stamford Hospital.
Yes, Dr. Robert Fryer, MD holds board certification in Neurology with Special Qualification in Child Neurology.
Dr. Robert Fryer, MD has a star rating of 4.1/5. See more patient feedback on Sharecare.
Hospital Affiliations
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
525 E 68th St, New York, NY
Garnet Health Medical Center
707 E Main St, Middletown, NY
Stamford Hospital
1 Hospital Plz, Stamford, CT