Expert advice for coping with cancer

A woman battling cancer smiles while looking into the distance.

According to the American Cancer Society, half of all men and one-third of all women in the United States will develop cancer at some point. Finding out that you have cancer and going through treatment can be a terrifying process. But there are ways to make the experience easier on you and your loved ones, says palliative care expert Stewart Fleishman, MD.

Bring a loved one to doctor visits

It can be hard to take in everything the doctor is saying while also coping with your emotions. Bringing a loved one with you to listen and take notes can help you remember it all later, says Dr. Fleishman. Watch this video for this and other advice on dealing with the initial cancer diagnosis.

LEARN from your treatment

Fleishman uses the acronym LEARN to encourage patients to take care of themselves during treatment. LEARN stands for Living, Education, Activity, Rest and Nutrition. Learn the different aspects of LEARN and how it helps cancer patients recover in this video.

Keep communication open

Cancer can be a difficult topic to discuss with loved ones, but it’s important to keep talking throughout your recovery for both emotional and practical reasons. In this video, Fleishman gives advice on ways to talk with loved ones during cancer treatment.

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