
Will I feel good after exercising?

Dr. Michael Roizen, MD
Dr. Michael Roizen, MD
Internal Medicine
You betcha.  And you’ll feel even better if you exercise with a friend.  Your body naturally produces feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins after you exercise.  This phenomenon is typically referred to as a runner’s high.  And don’t worry, you don’t have to run to experience it—it happens after any exercise, but it isn’t just your feeling good about yourself for exercise…that is an additional benefit—positive self image.  However, runner’s high doesn’t last forever, so if you’ve worked your body hard or done certain exercises that worked muscles you’re not used to working, you might be sore, which definitely doesn’t feel as good as the “high”, but if you get your partner to give you a massage, you can get those endorphins flowing all over again.
National Academy of Sports Medicine
National Academy of Sports Medicine

The definition of feeling good is different for everyone but usually people do report feeling good after exercise. Generally people exhibit feelings of accomplishment, completion, happiness, success, warmth and strength after a workout is complete.

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